Justia Deals FAQ

Learn more about Justia Deals, a members-only savings program offering Justia Connect members discounts on day-to-day products and services through Justia Lifestyle Savings and practice management and legal technology products through Justia Legal Deals.

Justia Deals FAQ
What are Justia Deals?

Justia Deals is our discount program that includes both Justia Legal Deals and the Justia Lifestyle Savings platform powered by Abenity. Through these services, members have access to savings on leading legal industry services and platforms, in addition to a number of deals on high-quality products and services from top brands, covering everything from travel to business services, dining, and entertainment.

Am I eligible to utilize Justia Deals?

If you are a Justia Connect member, you are eligible to take advantage of Justia Deals and all associated benefits. Visit your Justia Connect dashboard to learn more and start saving today.

How do I access Justia Lifestyle Savings?

You can access your Justia Lifestyle Savings through your Justia Connect dashboard or through our Justia Deals mobile app (available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store).

Please note, your password for deals.justia.com and the Justia Deals mobile app may be different from the password you use to log in to your Justia Connect dashboard.

Never set a password for Justia Deals? Follow the steps you received in your Justia Deals welcome email, or follow the prompts to reset your password in the mobile app or at deals.justia.com. This process does not change your password for Justia Connect.

How do I access Justia Legal Deals?
Can I access Justia Deals from my mobile device?

Of course! Many offers available through Justia Lifestyle Savings were designed to be used while on the go and are accessible through the Justia Deals mobile app (available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store).

Simply download the app and log in using your Justia Deals credentials. Please note, your password for the Justia Deals mobile app may be different from the password you use for your Justia Connect dashboard.

At this time, Justia Legal Deals are not available through our Justia Deals mobile app. However, you may access these deals from your mobile device by logging into your Justia Connect dashboard from your mobile browser.

Do I need to pay for the Justia Deals mobile app?

No. Our Justia Deals mobile app is free for all Justia Connect members. Just download, log in, and start enjoying your savings.

How do I log in to the Justia Deals mobile app?

In order to access the Justia Lifestyle Savings available through your Justia Deals mobile app, you need to log in with your Justia Deals username and password.

If you have not set a unique password for your Justia Deals account, you can do so by following the instructions in your Justia Deals welcome email. If you cannot locate this email, simply reset your password following the prompts in the Justia Deals mobile app or at deals.justia.com.

Please note, setting/changing your Justia Deals password does not change your password for Justia Connect or any of your other Justia products or services.

What is Abenity?

The Justia Lifestyle Savings platform within the Justia Deals program is powered by Abenity, a company specialized in providing national and local deals and discount programs. If you have specific questions about any discounts available through Justia Lifestyle Savings, Abenity can help you navigate the platform and access your benefits. To contact Abenity for assistance, please submit a support request or email support@abenity.com.

Where do I send questions about Justia Deals?

If you have any questions about discounts available through Justia Lifestyle Savings, please contact Abenity by submitting a support request or emailing support@abenity.com.

If you have questions about Justia Legal Deals, please contact the provider directly or reach out to Justia Support.

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