Justia Daily Opinion Summaries FAQ

Learn more about the Justia Daily Opinion Summaries available as a benefit of Justia Connect membership to keep lawyers up to date on the latest legal developments in the jurisdictions and practice areas that matter most to their firm.

Justia Daily Opinion Summaries FAQ
What are Justia Daily Opinion Summaries?

Justia Daily Opinion Summaries are our daily and weekly newsletters designed to keep you up to date on new court decisions and changing case law in the jurisdictions and/or practice areas of your choice. Each newsletter will include timely summaries of recently published court opinions.

Which jurisdictions are included in Justia Daily Opinion Summaries?

You can choose to receive alerts about published court opinions from any federal appellate court in the United States, as well as the highest courts in each of the 50 states. In addition, opinion summaries for all California appellate courts are available. There is no limit to the number of jurisdictions for which you can request Justia Daily Opinion Summaries.

View the full list of available courts.

Are Justia Daily Opinion Summaries free?

Yes, Justia Daily Opinion Summaries are free. Simply subscribe to newsletters for the jurisdictions and/or practice areas you would like to stay informed about.

How frequently will I receive Justia Daily Opinion Summaries?

Justia Daily Opinion Summaries newsletters for federal courts and state courts are sent daily with summaries of opinions from the previous day. Any practice area alerts you have requested will be sent weekly.

Am I required to receive Justia Daily Opinion Summaries as part of my Justia Connect membership?

While we hope you find Justia Daily Opinion Summaries to be a beneficial component of your Justia Connect membership, you are not required to receive them.

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