Justia Newsletters FAQ

Learn more about the newsletters Justia offers for lawyers, law students, legal professionals, legal enthusiasts, and others with an interest in the law and/or legal marketing.

Justia Newsletters FAQ
What types of newsletters do you offer?

We offer several newsletters for lawyers, other legal professionals, law students, legal enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the law!

Our Justia Daily Opinion Summaries provide summaries of recent decisions by federal courts and state courts. We offer daily opinion summaries focused on new opinions from select courts released on the previous day, as well as weekly, nationwide practice area summaries. You can also sign up for a daily newsletter focusing just on new opinions from a certain court in one or more of 12 featured practice areas.

Our other available newsletters include the Justia Onward newsletter, offering legal marketing updates via the Justia Onward blog, and the Verdict newsletter, offering legal analysis and commentary from leading legal scholars and professionals.

Are Justia Newsletters free?

Yes, our Justia Newsletters are free to subscribers. Simply go to the Justia Newsletters page to sign up for any newsletters that interest you.

How frequently will I receive Justia Newsletters?

If you subscribe to a court’s daily opinion newsletter (either all decisions for that court or just a selected practice area for the court), you will receive an opinion summary newsletter the day after the court makes any decisions. We also offer practice area newsletters covering decisions from all federal and state courts, which are sent weekly on Friday.

If you subscribe to the Justia Onward newsletter, you can expect to receive 1-2 emails per week with the latest information shared on the Justia Onward blog. If you subscribe to the Verdict newsletter, you can expect to receive a newsletter on most weekdays highlighting content published the previous day.

How do I manage my Justia Newsletters?

Managing your Justia Newsletters is easy! Simply go to the Justia Newsletters page and subscribe to additional newsletters or manage newsletters that you are currently receiving.

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