Finding and Researching Expert Witnesses

If you are a litigator looking to sharpen your expert witness research skills, this presentation is for you! Join Jim Robinson, President of JurisPro Expert Witness Directory, as he leads Justia Connect members in an exploration of best practices and techniques for the early stages of using expert witnesses in your cases. Topics covered will include evaluating the matter to determine which types of experts may further your litigation strategy, using various tools (including databases not indexed by search engines) to discover relevant experts for your case, engaging in further expert research to evaluate credentials, and obtaining the deposition transcript of your opponent's expert.


  • Why Researching Experts Is Important
    • Why researching expert witnesses is important
    • What can go wrong if you do not research your expert witness
  • Research the Subject Matter
    • Researching the subject matter of the case to know how to evaluate an expert witness
    • How to access and use databases not available through search engines
  • Research Potential Experts
    • Finding information about potential experts, including their professional background, their testimonial history, their social media, and more
    • Evaluating what you find in things like news articles, case law, jury verdicts, disciplinary history, and internet messages
    • Deciding whether a particular expert is a good fit for your case
  • Questions & Answers
Topics covered include: Practice Skills
Duration of this webinar: 60 minutes
Originally broadcast: January 18, 2023 11:00 AM PT
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits

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California CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 General

Earn Credit Until: June 30, 2026

South Carolina CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 General

Difficulty: All Levels

Earn Credit Until: December 31, 2025

North Carolina CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 General

Earn Credit Until: February 28, 2026

Texas CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 General

Earn Credit Until: January 31, 2026

This presentation is approved for one hour of General CLE credit in California, South Carolina (all levels), and North Carolina. This course has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 1.00 credit hours.

Justia only reports attendance in jurisdictions in which a particular Justia CLE Webinar is officially accredited. Lawyers may need to self-submit their certificates for CLE credit in jurisdictions not listed above.

Note that CLE credit, including partial credit, cannot be earned outside of the relevant accreditation period. To earn credit for a course, a lawyer must watch the entire course within the relevant accreditation period. Lawyers who have viewed a presentation multiple times may not be able to claim credit in their jurisdiction more than once. Justia reserves the right, at its discretion, to grant an attendee partial or no credit, in accordance with viewing duration and other methods of verifying course completion.

At this time, Justia only offers CLE courses officially accredited in certain states. Lawyers may generate a generic attendance certificate to self-submit credit in their own jurisdiction, but Justia does not guarantee that lawyers will receive their desired CLE credit through the self-submission or reciprocity process.

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Jim Robinson
Jim Robinson President
Jim Robinson is an attorney, and founder of JurisPro Inc., a professional marketing company that features the qualifications of expert witnesses to legal professionals, insurance carriers, and the media. JurisPro also maintains a free online national directory for expert witnesses in over 10,000 areas of expertise ( Jim was also co-founder of, which produces comprehensive background reports on expert witnesses.
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