Getting the Most Out of the Justia Lawyer Directory Ask Our Experts
Getting the Most Out of the Justia Lawyer Directory: Ask Our Experts
Join us for our newest Justia Webinar, where Justia's CEO Tim Stanley will answer all of your questions about the Justia Lawyer Directory. With millions of visits per month, the Justia Lawyer Directory is a key place to display your legal expertise and connect with potential clients. Whether you're looking to get the most out of your existing profile, curious about the nuts and bolts of profile set up, or how it integrates with other Justia services, Tim has the insights you need. Come ready with your questions, and we'll see you there!
- Introduction
- Audience Q&A
Topics covered include:
Legal Marketing
Duration of this webinar:
30 minutes
Originally broadcast:
November 13, 2024 11:00 AM PT

Tim Stanley
Tim Stanley is the CEO and founder of Justia, one of the most visited legal portals in the world. Justia’s mission is to make law and legal resources free for all. Before founding Justia, Tim founded and was CEO of FindLaw. He is the general counsel and on the Board of Trustees of Public.Resource.Org, and was previously on the Board of Nolo and American LegalNet. Tim has a BS and MS from Stanford University and a JD from the University of Michigan Law School.