Edward Dabdoub is the founder of Dabdoub Law Firm – a law firm built for the sole purpose of helping people get their disability benefits from insurance companies. Eddie and the attorneys at Dabdoub Law Firm specialize in disability insurance law, as well as life insurance, representing clients across the country in ERISA disability insurance and individual disability insurance claims, appeals, and lawsuits. Read More ›
In this webinar, we will be discussing the complexities of handling a long COVID disability insurance claim and how best to present these claims to insurance companies. Insurance companies do not appreciate the extent to which long COVID symptoms can be disabling. Using our winning strategy with these types of claims gives claimants the best chance of being paid short-term and long-term disability insurance benefits, and if necessary, preparing to litigate denials.
- Introduction
- What Is Long COVID and the Common Issues We See in Long COVID Disability Insurance Claims
- Subjective symptoms are often hard to prove
- Insurance companies/their medical reviewers do not understand or specialize in conditions like Long COVID
- Contract limitations for fatigue conditions
- Treating doctors do not know how to help in the claims process
- How the Issues Above Are Made Worse When ERISA Applies
- The standard of review
- Closed filed review
- No jury trial
- No punitive damages
- No discovery
- How We Prove Long COVID Is a Disability
- Obtain medical evidence using testing such as CPET, neuropsychological report
- Create a network of doctors that specialize in Long COVID and use them for independent medical evaluations, peer reviews, and validation of testing
- Obtain personal statements portraying the client before and after diagnosis
- Obtain letters and questionnaires of support from treating providers that also address the independent testing and affirm
- Communication With Insurance Company
- Send a comprehensive letter with all supporting medical and non-medical information summarized
- Follow up with polarizing questions that they can’t answer without looking unreasonable
- Questions & Answers
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Status: Approved
Credits: 1.0 General
Earn Credit Until: April 15, 2026
Status: Approved
Credits: 1.0 General
Difficulty: All Levels
Earn Credit Until: December 31, 2025
Status: Approved
Credits: 1.0 General
Earn Credit Until: February 28, 2025
Status: Approved
Credits: 1.0 General
Earn Credit Until: March 31, 2025
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Dabdoub Law Firm