Ryan McCarl is the author of Elegant Legal Writing (Univ. Cal. Press 2024) (blog: https://www.elegantlegalwriting.com) and a founding partner of the business litigation firm Rushing McCarl LLP. He has taught advanced legal writing courses at the UCLA School of Law and LMU Loyola Law School and given talks about appellate advocacy and litigation strategy to audiences including the ABA Litigation Section and the Texas Office of the Attorney General. Read More ›
Logic for Lawyers: Crafting Persuasive Legal Arguments
Join Elegant Legal Writing author Ryan McCarl for a webinar discussing advanced techniques for crafting legal arguments. Through practical examples, we will explore how to break down complex legal issues into manageable subproblems, anticipate judicial concerns, and stake out winning positions. This webinar will help attorneys refine their argumentation skills and write more persuasive briefs.
- The Structure of Legal Arguments
- Thinking Systematically About Legal Rules
- Spotting Conclusory Reasoning
- Using and Misusing Legal Authority
- Q&A
Topics covered include:
Practice Skills
Duration of this webinar:
60 minutes
Originally broadcast:
July 12, 2024 11:00 AM PT

Ryan McCarl
Founding Partner
Rushing McCarl LLP
Rushing McCarl LLP