CLE Credit *
Laurie J. Besden
Laurie J. Besden Executive Director
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania
Shackled to Our Screens How Technology Has Imprisoned the Legal Profession
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Competence Issues
Premieres October 4, 3:00 PM ET/12:00 PM PT
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Shackled to Our Screens: How Technology Has Imprisoned the Legal Profession

Join Laurie Besden, Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania, for a discussion focused on how our dependence on screens is negatively impacting our mental health. The prevalence rates of substance use and mental health challenges in the legal profession were already astounding, yet our inability to 'de-screen' is only magnifying feelings of isolation and loneliness. Navigating the pandemic, we became even more dependent on screens and devices to function and stay connected.

As we transition to the next 'new normal,' it is more important than ever that we are mindful of our screen time and intentional about how we spend our time, including prioritizing self-care and wellness. We will discuss well-being tips and strategies that can be implemented into our daily lives with ease. We also will discuss how our dependence on anything from screens to substances can impact our ability to uphold the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. At the end of the day, we all function better after a 'hard reset,' not just our devices.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss the impact of increased screen time on our ability to uphold the Model Rules of Professional Conduct
  2. Review the prevalence rates of substance use and mental health disorders in the legal profession and the hit quarantine has taken on our mental health
  3. Analyze the alarming statistics regarding our dependence on our devices, as well as signs and symptoms of digital device dependence
  4. Strategize regarding how to be more mindful of where we spend our time, which is our most valuable resource and currency
  5. Review the confidential, safe, free, and supportive resources available through the lawyer's assistance programs

  • About Laurie Besden & the Lawyers Assistance Program
    • The presenter will share her own personal journey through addiction and into long-term recovery, which nearly cost her her life but settled for her freedom, ability to drive, and practice law
    • An overview of the lawyers and judges confidential services and recent trends of presenting issues to the Pennsylvania lawyers assistance program

  • Screen Dependence
    • Compelling and profound statistics regarding our dependence on screens that many of us are in denial about
    • A brief discussion about the correlation of screen dependency and the negative impact it has on our mental health and ability to connect with others
    • Withdrawal symptoms and signs of screen dependence

  • The Solution to Balancing Screens Versus Real Life
    • A discussion about how minor life changes can make a huge difference in your life
      • Movement is medicine
      • Gratitude enhances wellbeing
      • Time for self isn’t selfish
      • You can’t pour from an empty cup
      • Human connection is key

  • Questions & Answers
Topics covered include: Competence Issues
Duration of this webinar: 60 minutes
When: Premieres in 24 days | October 04, 2024 12:00 PM PT
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Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits

*CLE credit is only available to Justia Connect Pros. Not a Pro? Upgrade today>>

California CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.0 Wellness Competence

South Carolina CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.0 Substance Abuse/Mental Health

Difficulty: All Levels

North Carolina CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.0 Professional Well-Being

Texas CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 0.5 Legal Ethics/Professional Responsibility

This presentation is approved for one hour of Wellness Competence CLE credit in California, one hour of Substance Abuse/Mental Health CLE credit in South Carolina (all levels), and one hour of Professional Well-Being CLE credit in North Carolina. This course has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 0.5 credit hours, of which 0.5 credit hours will apply to Legal Ethics/Professional Responsibility credit.

Justia only reports attendance in jurisdictions in which a particular Justia CLE Webinar is officially accredited. Lawyers may need to self-submit their certificates for CLE credit in jurisdictions not listed above.

Note that CLE credit, including partial credit, cannot be earned outside of the relevant accreditation period. To earn credit for a course, a lawyer must watch the entire course within the relevant accreditation period. Lawyers who have viewed a presentation multiple times may not be able to claim credit in their jurisdiction more than once. Justia reserves the right, at its discretion, to grant an attendee partial or no credit, in accordance with viewing duration and other methods of verifying course completion.

At this time, Justia only offers CLE courses officially accredited in certain states. Lawyers may generate a generic attendance certificate to self-submit credit in their own jurisdiction, but Justia does not guarantee that lawyers will receive their desired CLE credit through the self-submission or reciprocity process.

Looking for CLE credit? Visit CLE Dashboard CLE Accreditation
Laurie J. Besden
Laurie J. Besden Executive Director
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania

Laurie Besden is the Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania, Inc. (LCL PA). She served as its Deputy Executive Director, overseeing its Helpline operations, serving as primary contact for intervention requests, expanding its law school outreach, and increasing LCL PA’s presence within the organized bench and bar, from 2011-2015. After becoming LCL PA’s Executive Director in 2015, Laurie continued to serve in most of these capacities and assumed responsibility for the organization’s administrative and financial operations, as well as its judges’ assistance program (Judges Concerned for Judges). Read More ›

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