Sarah W. Anderson owns SWA Law LLC and LegallyCyber.com, representing public and private entities on cyber incident response, regulatory compliance, the implementation of enhanced cybersecurity practices, and contract negotiations involving technology products and services.
Sarah teaches seminars on cybersecurity law across the United States, including non-profits, trade associations, and government entities. Assisting with over 100 cyber incident responses, Sarah advises leaders and technology professionals on preventing and mitigating liability before, during, and after a cyber incident. Sarah proudly promotes awareness of technical and legal cybersecurity matters on www.LegallyCyber.com. Prior to founding SWA Law, Sarah was in-house counsel with a technology non-profit and a “big law“ equity partner, focused on toxic tort and property litigation. Sarah is licensed to practice in Louisiana and Texas, with licenses pending in Pennsylvania and Illinois. Sarah is also the former chief legal counsel for the State of Louisiana ESF-17 (cyber incident response and management).
Sarah is also a veteran, serving in the U.S. Army Reserves at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and was a distinguished military graduate. Sarah is the former Cyber Law Judge Advocate for the Louisiana Army National Guard and legal liaison for the Louisiana Cybersecurity Commission.