The Addicted Lawyer. How We Got Here. Where We Are Headed.

Brian Cuban, lawyer, author, and mental health awareness and recovery advocate, shares his story of experiencing mental health and substance abuse issues as a lawyer and his journey to recovery from alcohol, cocaine, and bulimia. Substance use disorders in the legal community are a well-known issue that can substantially impair an attorney’s ability to practice law and adhere to professional obligations.

Brian walks attendees through his life, starting with his childhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, growing up with his brother, entrepreneur Mark Cuban, his experiences at Penn State University and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and his voyage through addiction and recovery while practicing in Dallas, Texas. Within his story, Brian illustrates the ways in which mental health and substance abuse issues can present in law students and lawyers, as well as how traumatic childhood experiences can have long-term consequences in adulthood.


  • Introduction to Brian Cuban and How Addiction and Depression Impacted His Life
    • What is a compassionate community?
    • A peek into Brian Cuban's life experiencing addiction and depression as an attorney

  • The ABA Betty Ford Hazelden Study on Problem Drinking in the Legal Profession
    • Brian Cuban’s upbringing and childhood and how each affected his mental health
    • How traumatic childhood events can have long-term consequences for health in adulthood
    • Introduction to the concerns examined in the ABA Betty Ford Hazelden Study, including alcohol use, substance abuse, mental health issues, and the help-seeking behaviors of lawyers

  • Why We Are So Vulnerable as Legal Professionals
    • Brian Cuban’s experiences as a college student and law student
    • How mental health and substance abuse concerns may present in young adults and law students

  • How Mental Health Impacts Law Firm and Lawyer Productivity
    • Brian Cuban’s life as a lawyer experiencing struggles with mental health and substance abuse
    • How depression may relate to addiction and how each concern can exist independently but intersect
    • How untreated addiction issues correlate with higher rates of legal malpractice and misconduct

  • What We Can Do To Solve the Problem
    • Brian Cuban’s recovery story
    • Building empathy
    • Fostering a compassionate community

  • Questions & Answers
Topics covered include: Substance Abuse Mental Health
Duration of this webinar: 60 minutes
Originally broadcast: January 04, 2024 10:00 AM PT
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California CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 Prevention and Detection Competence

Earn Credit Until: January 3, 2026

South Carolina CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 Substance Abuse/Mental Health

Difficulty: All Levels

Earn Credit Until: December 31, 2025

North Carolina CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 Professional Well-Being

Earn Credit Until: February 28, 2026

Texas CLE

Status: Approved

Credits: 1.00 Legal Ethics/Professional Responsibility

Earn Credit Until: December 31, 2025

This presentation is approved for one hour of Prevention and Detection Competence CLE credit in California, one hour of Substance Abuse/Mental Health CLE credit in South Carolina (all levels), and one hour of Professional Well-Being CLE credit in North Carolina. This course has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 1.00 credit hours, of which 1.00 credit hours will apply to Legal Ethics/Professional Responsibility credit.

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Brian Cuban
Brian Cuban Attorney at Law

Brian Cuban is an attorney, author, and mental health awareness and recovery advocate. He is the author of the best-selling book The Addicted Lawyer, Tales of The Bar, Booze Blow & Redemption. His debut novel, The Ambulance Chaser, was released as the #1-selling debut paperback thriller.

He has spoken at law firms, conferences, non-profit events, colleges, and universities across the United States and in Canada. He also writes extensively on these subjects. His columns have appeared on,, The Huffington Post, The New York Times, and in online and print newspapers around the world.

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